
Dave was involved with Scientology when I met him. This is his religion and helps him deal with the same problems that pop up once and awhile in everyone’s life. We all deal with things differently though. That is what I have to remember,each of us is not

perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect anything. Everyone is an individual and as long as I remember this and how much he’s been there for me and taken care of me through all kinds of situations. He is the bravest man I know and his good qualities far out weigh anything else. He does not smoke or drink and under his good example neither do I. He treats my sister better than her blood brother who seems to have been looking for a replacement family all of his life. Dave loves Marsha as much as I do and  sometimes I think she likes him more than me. She assures me that she doesn’t .

I’ve found my religion in finding good people that I can’t let go. Treasure them , they are hard to find sometimes. I love the home we live in and the way he tries to make me laugh when I thought I would not be able to again. Yes we’ve made our peace with each other and walk around our property still holding hands. He gives me the strength that no one else has given me and I feel safe when he is here.

I’ve listened to L. Ron Hubbard and the tapes Dave listens to give him that strength and confidence that I’ve come to rely on.

I can’t take that away from him and learn from them sometimes myself.. We have made our own family and we are going to his family reunion in June. I’ve gone to them before and we enjoy our drives back to his hometown in Texas. I’m sorry Dallas that you have to put up with my tirades. You forgive me and I have to remember that you are part of my family now. I never wanted to accept that before. I thought I could find a reason to leave. How can I when he has given me everything I’ve ever wanted.. To make me feel happy after what I’ve had to go through must have been very hard for him to do.

I have to realize and be able to accept what he offers me. No matter how hard I try to run he is there to catch me when I fall.

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Nikola Tesla

Thomas Edison was friends with Tesla, in the beginning. They each were interested in what  the other was coming up with. The light bulb was something else they both invented and patented . Tesla;s was much better and his ideas for the future of mankind were to be revolutionary.. His ideas were so astounding that he was targeted as being in touch with space aliens. He got J.P. Morgan to back up his idea and  finance it for him. What Tesla did was building a tall energy source that would have harnessed with solar energy. It would have provided enough power for everyone to use and it would be free. We would not have had to deal with wires going up every where. Just think how that would have changed lives, and not have to spend money for electricity to be connected to our homes. He also designed a solar powered car that could go up to 90 mph. J. P. Morgan was not going to benefit from this man’s genius. He had thought Tesla was going to provide a money maker and this is what he did to stop us from the beauty of Tesla’s idea to provide free electricity. He had a crew with a wreaking ball knock the large power source into pieces of rubble. No one wants to provide something for free. What happened next was to hire Edison to do something he could benefit from and have people at their mercy. They started putting up poles with wires to connect to homes. They wanted to make money from this deal . They did not care about the future and problems that we would have to deal with. This was during the depression and when people could not pay for their utilities they could turn it off and people went about without power in there homes. The wires also were dangerous and were often pulled down by a fallen branch or even a large storm , People were forever under their control and electricity was not cheap. It made Tesla a broken man. The man some compared as the next Leonardo De Vinci  had to declare bankruptcy and died poor . He did have some things patented , a coil that is still used in radios today . To some money is their God. They did not foresee the great difference Tesla’s power stations would have made in our lives. Maybe they did but did not care about improving people’s life style. All they cared about was how much money they would make from those ugly ever present wires and poles. People are still at their mercy and the utility bills that we still have to pay.

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Think Outside Of The Box (NASA)

When I wrote the post Infinity I never realized how it made me think out of the box. I think our space program has to be overhauled. They always have the rocket liftoffs at the same places and the same time. What if we revise the time and place,

would it make a difference?

What about relocating even further? Another country? I am guessing that Australia is the best place for our space program

to look at things out of the box. Lift offs would be heading towards uncharted parts of the galaxy. Who knows maybe this

would lead to another dimension . Think outside of the box.

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Left At The Alter?

                             I was cleaning my mom’s house, and under her bed I found her college yearbook. When she was young and pretty, she had never shown it to us.

I opened it up and all her classmates had written something to her in it. Most of them had wrote congratulations to you and Ed. I also had found an aged

scrapbook with lots of pictures. In those pictures I had found another piece to a puzzle, I saw in most of them a very young and happy woman. The happy

one that I tried to capture again, but for some reason I couldn’t. Now I was to find out why. In most there is always a tall light haired young man at her side.

He was pushing her on a swing and they were throwing snow at each other in some. I had seen him before in another scrapbook of old family pictures. I now

knew  who that happy and handsome person was, it was Ed her college sweetheart. Reading the things people wrote in her yearbook made it seem that they all

expected mom and Ed were to be married.

I went to her and asked “what happened to Ed mom?” She turned her head so that I did not see her face when she answered “he went home the last Christmas

and went back to his high school sweetheart .” He must not have told her right away because the writings of others made it sound like it was expected of them.

I had one of my senses telling me to be on the lookout for the unexplained reason she had settled for my dad ( I do forgive you, and have made my peace with

you. I realize now dad that maybe this happened to you too.) Under the circumstances I now know that you both had settled for each other,this marriage occurred

from that, I wonder how Ed’s doing? I think mom was left at the alter. 1951 must have been the worse year  of your life. Mom graduated, but with a broken heart.

That is also the year your mom died,and it was the year you learned your brother Ted was going to get married to someone with your first name. One Frances

Suchoruke in a small town was enough. Mom went through hell that year!


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You Will Always Be MY Valentine

Nancy Ann Prohira

I was the only one out of the three of us to give you a valentine gift every year. You were born on a perfect day Feb16 1927. It was delightful to be able to get you so many gifts that were left over from Valentines day. This year it falls on a federal holiday,Presidents day. That did not happen very often. This year you would have turned 88 years old. I buy Dallas and Marsha valentine gifts, but it was your birthday when we would snatch up  lovely things to give our mom a very special birthday. It did not make us go broke either, most things were being sold off for practically nothing right before your birthday.We adored being able to find so many special gifts , like the cherubs that you put on your office shelf and the beautiful colored glass bell that was my last gift…

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I’m Still Carrying The Torch

Yes when the flame burns low, someone lights it up again. I’m still carrying the torch for justice for my mom and uncle Joe. I

thought that when all my evidence was in that we would get the justice we deserved. Instead the law enforcement of Port Jervis N.Y. is following lead Det. Mike Myer’s words to not even begin an investigation. I found out that he is a close relative to one of the instigators. By knowing that he should have taken himself out of the horrendous act that was allowed to take place, with no reprimand.I asked through the freedom of information act  for the open police file on my case. The documents for me to fill out to get that file

arrived over two months later. The only problem was that I called on Dec.31st. The letter I received was postmarked Dec. 30th, I called the police to try to get an explanation. Another cover up? They did not want me to know that there was nothing in it. I emphasized so many times that my grandparent’s tombstone was 100% Ukrainian and that 8 million more of them were killed during the holocaust than Jewish people. I also said that they deserved to have the engraving put there, they were their children too. I also said that Uncle Joseph Cherwak was a 4 year veteran of WW2.

All the law enforcement gave us was grief , they laughed and said it was a family matter. They were told from the start that it was a hate crime. When It became a federal law the y still laughed, I was told the police had the right to choose who to arrest.

That is very wrong, if that was the case the  mayor Kelly Decker who has the power to fire someone on the force. He had his chance to stop what can easily escalate to a hate which people do not understand. I understood it right away, When my cousin died her husband bought a ugly black tombstone with just his last name on the front an d the back. No one would know that she was from a 100% Ukrainian family. That is because he hates so much and that hate spilled over. Why do you think so many people stayed in their homes and did not leave during Hitler;s reign.No one thought it would go that far, they were not afraid until it was to late to leave. He even attended the Olympics to cheer the German teams on. The United States did not get involved until it was way out of hand. It can happen very fast. Just ask anyone who survived it,it was not that long ago. Some had somehow managed to tell their tales of horror. Imagine if the police dragged you away just for their belief in white supremacy,that is exactly what happened, never forget it. Go rent Schindler’s list or something.

The United Nations are seeing acts of vandalism and desecration starting up again. That is why  they call  malicious acts to artifacts i.e.tombstones are recognized for what they are and that is what is called cultural cleansing. A tombstone in St. Mary’s cemetery in Port Jervis N.Y. was condoned by the law enforcement and the head of the catholic church Rev. George Hafemann. I am the only one with documentation of ownership. That did not matter , the instigator was friends with my mom,s sister’s family and they agreed  with him to have it sandblasted off.My own cousins, I was horrified it was unbelievable. Even now I don;t understand it. I do now after what they put me through, the law enforcement treated me like a criminal. They knew the two prominent businessmen involved and laughed along with them. They liked hearing me beg for their help, it was sickening.

The United Nations had to spell it out to everyone. Acts of hate like this are now being classified as war crimes. Yes they recognized what even I failed to see. When it becomes common place and is happening all over the world they knew that if you forget the past it is doomed to be repeated. This was not a family matter,as I kept being told. They woke everyone up to look back and see what is starting up again. If you watch the news it’s become apparent the past full of hate towards some

Is evidently gotten so bad that what I was told was a frivolous now being seen for what can grow into mass destruction and WW3. You have to acknowledge what was done is  now being classified as a war crime , and rightfully so. Would you even conceive doing what they did, I don’t think so. You have to remember some rise towards hate easily. I t is much easier to hate your fellow man than to love them.

correct to bold

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……… The Shotgun Wedding

When my Aunt Fran was 15 my grandparents were told by her father, that if he did not marry her he would put their son Ted in jail. She had the first name of their  beloved daughter my mom. Mom was 21 and the youngest of their children,she could not believe that now there were two Frances Suchorukes in Port Jervis.  The new one frequently dropped her off her kids at mom’s house so that she could visit her mother in Rochester . My grandpa lived upstairs and  mom lived downstairs . He was suffering from emphysema, my mom had to be there for him. This new Fran had killed my grandmother Mary. She was the first to be buried there.

Mom was a college graduate and had been devastated by her loss. She had a good job in the hospital ,she was single and bought herself a brand new Ford Malibu. She still had it when she got married and had three children. It was emerald green and sparkled,

I still remember it . She was the most loved by my grandfather he left her that house on 209 Jersey Avenue, he also left the tombstone and plot to her. They would hate to know that the new Frances is buried next to them. She is not a blood relative and caused them much grief. My mom, their daughter is who they would have there instead, and understandingly so.That is why this was confusing to the (how should I phrase this) not very intelligent law enforcement.  It is worse than that,they did not accept the grave deed I sent to them with my grandfather Dmytro Suchoruke naming his daughter Mrs Wm. Prohira as the owner after he died. My mom was their daughter my mom’s maiden name was Suchoruke, when she got married her last name was Prohira. Grandpa did this to make sure that he did not want one of his other children to have it. Neither of them could afford that tombstone and were just starting their families when his wife died. My mom was the only one who picked it out and bought a Virgin Mary statue for her lovely tombstone for her mom. The 3 of us never met our grandmother, mom was so young and her mother was proud she was the first to graduate from college . She was so proud of her daughter that she wanted to wear it sometimes. both of her parents and siblings were too. Mom was so smart she even did her brother Ted’s taxes for him for years. The undertaker on Ball St. told mom that they would have to cut off her mom’s finger to give her ring back. I would bet a million dollars that the ring was not buried with her, this a bet I would make on anyone buried there. These undertakers have a gruesome job and would not hesitate to remove all the jewelry from the loved ones of people still grieving. I don’t like the way they make you sit and cry for days (it’s morbid.)

I believe in direct cremation, embalming fluid is destroying the earth and water. The wooden coffins are decomposing and so are the bodies in them. You can grieve at home and even have a celebration of their time on earth. People tell stories about them and how much they meant to them, they would be remembered. Believe me I remember my relatives that are no longer with us physically, but they are remembered spiritually every day. You might notice this in some of my posts, it’s like mom saying ” Nancy please do this”, she believed that just like me. It doesn’t mean you can’t put a tombstone up with their names. I used to find comfort with my mom when we went to the cemetery. She would plant flowers and we always left with peace and joy in our hearts. When I found out that a person with no documentation or reason had my beautiful engraving sandblasted off we could not believe it. We are still in pain over the horrendous act and the law firm of Bavoso,Plotsky  and Onofry for defending 2 guilty men . One was full of hate the other was just greedy. Shaun Parker and my cousin Suzanne committed perjury when they made their statements in front of the notary, that is a felony. No one asked Sue for documentations, you just took her word that her father Ted bought it. You believed Shaun Parker when he stated he knew I did not own it. He lied, both should be charged  with felonies for signing those liablest statements.

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Was The Pastor Put Out To Pasture?

I wrote a post titled The Pastor Hung Up On Me, I recently found out that Rev. George Hafeman has been replaced as of Feb. 1st. There is now a replacement for him from the St. Francis ofAssisi church in Newburgh (all I know about that charming city is that you don’t go there.) His name is Fr. Matthew Newcomb. I know by hearing where he’s from I will not want to call him. I’m sure he already has been forewarned by the energetic posse for the instigator not to talk to me. Yes I mean the law enforcement of Port Jervis N.Y. I have gone through enough with that bunch of keystone cops to never contact them again. Father Newcomb I will leave it up to you to call me. My name is Nancy Ann Prohira and my mom’s maid an name

is Suchoruke. In 2013 I found out that my grandparent’s tombstone in St. Mary’s cemetery had been desecrated. I am the only one with documentation of ownership and had a loving engraving put on the back of it. I paid E.Arthur Gray Memorials $852 dollars to have an inscription put on. I paid Shaun Parker for each letter that was on it. Mr. Parker has all of the files of who owns what. He is very professional and did not do this without checking and knowing that I own both the tombstone and the plot. A prominent business owner who is also the fire coordinator of Orange county

did not like the fact that my inscription contained 3 more Ukrainian names. My tombstone is 100% Ukrainian, he was married to my cousin Mary Ann. He told Mr. Parker that he would not buy any more tombstones if he did not have it taken off.  Mr. Parker chose greed over what was right and had my engraving sandblasted off, they thought I would not find out. I did when my sister was going to move down to Florida with us. I asked her to say a prayer there.The caretaker Richard Quick told her he could not find it.  I also found out after my cousin died her husband chose a large black heart shaped tombstone for her. On both the front and back is just his last name in large letters. He did not mention who her parent’s were and did not even put her first name on it. The police told me this was a family matter, I told them from the start it was a hate crime. The head Det. Mike Myers was supposed to start an investigation. I now know that he never did. I learned that Det. Myers has listed as his closest relative the instigator’s nephew. They even asked me for a receipt for a Virgin Mary statue that is also gone. The tombstone is almost 70 years old and the first person buried there was my mom’s mother who died in 1951. My mom was 21 years old and had just graduated from college. She had a good job and picked out a beautiful stone made out of marble with a place to put her statue. They tell me it never existed I have a picture of it. The detectives said it was photo shopped. I was the one treated like a criminal. I filed down here against them but was told I would have to file where the crime occurred. I contacted the bar association but all I got was the grave deed from them. They resigned and I cannot find an attorney that will handle this horrible act of pure evil . I still am working on this case and I will not stop until justice is done. I put my uncle Joseph Cherwak’s

name on my engraving he was a veteran from WW11 from 1941-9145. I put out a $1000 dollar reward and got a lot of information. One is a letter from President Harry Truman to this man.

Both of those names belonged on their parent’s tombstone. If you don’t think so show me who else can prove that they own it. They were their children too. We are their grandchildren. Who would even comprehend committing such an unbelievable sickening act of vandalism. Mr. James W Rohner that’s who! Along with the man that cashed my check Mr. Shaun Parker of Gray- Parker funeral parlor who did not want to lose him as a client. Remember it was up to the police to arrest them and charge them with a federal crime. I found out they have the choice of who they arrest, they chose not to . They know both men very well. This is justice for some not justice for all. I now know St. Mary’s cemetery is owned by the catholic church. You can contact me at 941-615-7129 to correct this matter. If not you are condoning this disgusting and unforgivable act of hate and are part of a federal crime.